"The Russian story of "Little Snow Girl" is one where there is the pure young girl being hunted by various creatures who want to eat her. She was made from the last spring snow and the first spring sun, on the heartfelt wish of a sterile old couple who lived in the woods. The original story itself is cute, and innocent for the most part. The little snow girl is pure and innocent, but learns quickly how evil the creatures of the forest can be before she's rescued by her trusty old dog. In my depiction, the all-too-pure main character, is not as pure as one would think and has her way with handling the "evils" of the forest." -Sly Cooley
Moksha is proud to present
Spring Snow: Light Bedtime Stories by Sly Cooley
Medium: oils on wood
Opening Reception:
Friday, May 21, 2010
Beats provided by DJ Introcut
View Facebook Invite: HERE
Exhibit runs through June 17th, 2010.
Sly Cooley was born from two worlds, an all-American one and a superstitious Filipino one. Although there was not much in terms of visual art within her childhood, there was almost, an overabundance of folk stories, urban legends, and superstitious tales. Stories, she learned, were best told with pictures. It is that little bit of "truth" that inspired her to work more and more leading her away from her two worlds in one family to find her own world in the Northwest. Sly Cooley now has a BFA from Northwest College of Art and is part of Better Friends Collective.
Moksha is located at 4542 University Way NE Seattle WA 98105 206.632.6798
- Sly
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